Breast cancer is the top cause of death in women around the world, and it is a common type of cancer for women, in Thailand. Nowadays, most modern women are aware to get health check-up, so they can get diagnosed for breast cancer at the beginning stage, therefore the treatments are more effective compared to earlier.
There are no a certain reason for breast cancer, so people can’t prevent this cancer.
- Risk group of breast cancer:
- 1. People with a family history of breast cancer
- 2. Women aged above 25 years
- 3. People with ongoing hormone treatment for longer than 5 years
The best prevention of breast cancer is detecting it at the early stage. 90% of breast cysts are detected manually. Thus, breast self-examination is very important, so all women have to know how to do breast self-examinations. And women aged above 20 years should do so every month after the menstruation period for 7-10 days. Also, women who has entered menopause or has had a hysterectomy should perform a breast self-examination at least once a month.
- Breast self-examination
- Three ways of Breast Self-Exam
- 1 Standing in front of the mirror
- - Relax the arms, look at the breasts, and notice if breasts are their usual size, shape, and color
- - Put both hands above the head, and change posture by using the hands to support the waist, and notice the breasts for changes
- - Move the upper body forward, place both hands on the knees or a chair, so in this position you can see the breasts hanging, and can notice something wrong more clearly
- 2 Lying down posture
- - Lie down and put a pillow under the left shoulder
- - Lift hands above the head in order to make the left breast flatter, making feeling for the tumor or cyst easier, especially the upper part of the breast with a lot of muscle and where cancer mostly occurs.
- - Use the index, middle, and ring fingers to feel around the breast and axilla. Never squeeze the breast because it makes you feel like there is a tumor or cyst, where there is none.
- 3 Checking during the shower
- - For women with small breasts, take the hand of the side where you want to check for breast cancer and put it on the head, and feel the breast with another hand using the same method of the lying down posture.
- - For women with big breasts, use one hand to hold and exam from below, and another hand to exam from the top. It is recommended to apply soap on the breasts in order make the examination easier.
Most important is performing breast checkup and health check-up regularly to find underlying diseases. And consult a doctor right away if you find any abnormal signs.
Health Tips
- ** Women aged 35 years and above should be getting examination at least once a year, to look for any hidden diseases and to get treatment in time.
- **Women under 35 years should always perform breast cancer self-examination once a month. The optimum period to check breast by your own is 7 to 10 days after the menstruation period because the breasts in this period are not tight
By Dr. Chanin Apiwanicg, M.D.Breast Cancer Center Tel. 0-2596 - 7888 ext 7906, 2326